Monday, November 24, 2008

Argh, where is the Mino video recorder?

Maybe not such a good thing that it is so small as I have managed to misplace it.

We put our house up for sale and I have had to keep it clean (no easy task for me as I am NOT a neat freak). I have basically been putting things away in places I don't usually do so and then I've forgotten where I've put them. Very frustrating.

So now I have no idea where the Mino is which is a total bummer as there are a bunch of things I want to capture on video including Fiori putting her index finger to her lip when I say Shhh and the fact that she knows where her nose is and her ear. And she also knows tongue which she is so fascinated with that as soon as I say "tongue" all bets are off on the other body parts as she has to repeatedly put her finger on my tongue and giggle. Although...she can be sidetracked by my belly button ring which she wants to kiss over and over again.

Kids are so funny.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Find that Mino. I like watching the Fiori videos. :)