Thursday, January 22, 2009

But she's just an itty-bitty thing!

I started having pains in my left hand near the thumb a few months ago. The pain ranged from minor annoyance to really painful and seemed to be getting worse. Seems to happen the most when I am spreading my hands out and lifting things i.e. Fiori out of the crib by her armpits. When my thumb started to lock up I decided I had best go see a doctor.

I went today and mentioned to the doc that it happened when I lift things, in particular my daughter and other heavy-ish items. She told me it is likely tendonitis and she sees it regularly but more often with new mothers and odd that I am just getting it now when my daughter is almost 15 months. But wait, she is adopted and only came home a few months before the pain started. Ah, that explains it.

What kind of a wimp am I that I get tendonitis from lifting my daughter? I knew I should have done this before I got too old!

Anyhoo, the doc gave me a cortisone shot and we are hoping that will do the trick. Won't know for a few weeks but meanwhile I'm trying not to use my left hand much. Yeah right.


Meggan said...

i think you're right! My brother lives in Palm Desert, and they were telling me on that same tday it was 79! Ooooh, how I long for those days! :) Hope all is well! Fiori is as cute as ever and getting so big! thumbs really hurt too, wonder if i have the same thing.....

Lisa said...

OH no! If it makes you feel any better, my right wrist hurts and will never be the same since Zaela arrived! Oh and she is now in the 92nd % for weight! Geeeez!!

Nikko and Matt said...

oh yeah Lisa. I think of you often with Zaela coming home 5 pounds heavier than Fiori at the same age. 92nd%. Sheesh. Fiori was heading towards 50th but not quite there.

Chris said...

I feel your pain!! I got carpal tunnel syndrome with my kiddos when I had to carry their car seats and push them in the stroller. Good news that it will pass. Fiori may be little but she is getting bigger and cuter every day!
I am so happy to see you all are doing so well!!!

Laurie said...

I feel your pain! I had varying levels of pain/numbness in my left wrist for months after Layla came home. I never went to the doctor and it eventually went away. Hope yours does, too!